DC Odd Fellows & Rebekahs
Odd Fellowship in Washington DC, the Nation's Capital
Grand Lodge of DC
Ryan Crowley, Grand Master
George Reader, Deputy Grand Master
McChell Jackson, Grand Warden
Walter Hoenes, PGM, Grand Secretary
Charles Renninger, PSGM, Grand Treasurer
Charles Renninger, PSGM, Grand Representative to Sovereign Grand Lodge
Contact us here
Meets in Annual Session on First Saturday in March
Odd Fellow Lodges
Central Lodge No. 1
Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday at IOOF Temple (419 7th St., NW)
Columbia Lodge No. 10
Meets 2nd and 4th Monday at IOOF Temple (419 7th St., NW)
Friendship Lodge No. 12
Meets 1st (business) and 3rd (social)Wednesday at Friendship Hall (701 24th St., NW)
Harry V. Lohman - Covenant Lodge No. 13
Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday at IOOF Temple (419 7th St., NW)
Langdon Lodge No. 26
Meets 2nd Tuesday at Langdon Hall (2022 Rhode Is. Ave., NE)
Rebekah Lodges
Fidelity Lodge No. 7
Meets 3rd Wednesday at Langdon Hall (2022 Rhode Is. Ave., NE)
Schuyler Colfax Lodge No. 10
Meets 3rd Thursday at Friendship Hall (701 24th St., NW)
Columbian Encampment No. 1
Meets 3rd Tuesday at IOOF Temple (419 7th St., NW)
Fred D. Stuart Encampment No. 7
Meets 4th Wednesday at Friendship Hall (701 24th St., NW)
Washington Canton No. 1
Meets 2nd Tuesday at IOOF Temple (419 7th St., NW)